SETH (17)


hi hi, i'm seth. my preferred pronouns are they/them, but he/they is also fine.

i'm really into a lot of stuff so feel free to ask. my main interests atm though are identity v, ace attorney, and madoka magica.

i also love music and sharing it so here is a playlist i made.

next slide is kins #lol! if i kin one of ur kins u can block me if tht makes you uncomfy idc. doubles r welcome for me though!


# Edgar Valden (idv)
# Caesar Zeppeli (jjba)
# Homura Akemi (mm)

Hot Pants (jjba) #
Naib Subedar (idv) #
Kanamori Sayaka (kyhoe) #

# Jeffery Woods (cp)
# Paya (botw)
# Karera Sakunami (jjba)

*not in any particular order. there r more but these r the main ones lol.

BLM isn't a trend. Please keep talking about it and spreading resources! Staying silent is only furthering the issue!

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